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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Spell Pierce
Average Picked At: 12.47
Total Times Picked: 101
Average Last Seen At: 10.07
Total Times Seen 1527
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: We see this reprinted a lot, and while it tends to be a key sideboard card in constructed, it is pretty bad in Limited. Most decks have very few things it can actually counter, and you also have to hope that when they do cast something you can counter you have your one Blue mana up and they can’t pay the 2 additional mana. This just won’t do anything far too often. Even as a sideboard card, I’m not interested.
Mukotai Ambusher
Average Picked At: 6.73
Total Times Picked: 139
Average Last Seen At: 5.86
Total Times Seen 977
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This seems like a solid little Ninja if you’re in the market for those. The Ninjutsu is very nicely costed, though keeping in mind that you have to return a thing to your hand does make it seem a bit less efficient. And really, neither casting this the normal way nor Ninjutsuing it is going to make you feel like you’re doing a great job. Its solid, and Lifelink makes it a good creature to Modify.
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
Average Picked At: 1.29
Total Times Picked: 24
Average Last Seen At: 1.41
Total Times Seen 34
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: Unlike a lot of these sagas, it adds to the board immediately with a 2/2 token – and one that can make you some treasure, which is certainly pretty nice! Chapter II’s rummage effect will sometimes come in handy too, and then when you get to chapter 3 you get a pretty powerful creature in Reflection of Kiki-Jiki. Sure, you need another creature around that’s worth copying, but you frequently will just have something else you can make a copy of that will really change the way you attack that turn. You can even copy the 2/2 that you got with Chapter I, although that isn’t the most exciting thing ever. Either way, this Saga adds to the board right away, gives you some card selection, and then you get a creature who is generally going to be a real problem for your opponent. You get a ton of value for the mana you invest, and while you have to wait for your returns – getting a good portion of them in Chapter I is a pretty big deal.
Thirst for Knowledge
Average Picked At: 7.68
Total Times Picked: 66
Average Last Seen At: 6.08
Total Times Seen 456
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Drawing three and discarding two has you break even on cards with some pretty good card selection, while also maybe loading the graveyard. And if you have a random artifact you don’t really need in your current situation, this ends up feeling even more potent. I think Blue decks will usually play their first copy of this.
Papercraft Decoy
Average Picked At: 8.79
Total Times Picked: 163
Average Last Seen At: 7.69
Total Times Seen 1273
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is another card where the trigger only requires it to leave the battlefield, so it getting blinked, or going back to your hand for ninjutsu will also give you the option of paying 2 to draw a card. You won’t always have the mana vailable to do it of course, but I think you’ll have it often enough that this is a pretty solid two drop in most decks.
Malicious Malfunction
Average Picked At: 9.14
Total Times Picked: 37
Average Last Seen At: 6.36
Total Times Seen 450
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3.0
Pro Comment: These cheap board sweepers are frequently pretty awkward in Limited. Most decks have a decent number of creatures who will die to it, so finding an opening to cast it where it is purely beneficial can be hard. Still, it is one of the best possible ways to deal with an aggressive opponent, and casting it in those situations can be completely game ending. A card like that mostly feels like a sideboard card to me.
Reckoner Bankbuster
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: The casting cost is great for a 4/4, and the Crew is a little bit high, but it more than makes up for that with its activated ability, which will net you some cards, give you a creature token that can crew it, and even fix your mana a little bit. It may take a few turns to get going, but at times where you don’t have those turns, you’ll probably also just be able to crew it.
Ogre-Head Helm
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a bear with some really good upside that lets you reload your hand if it hits the opponent. I would already be sold if all the Helmet did when it was equipped was grant the stats boost – paying 3 for that is a great deal! But adding in the ability to sacrifice the creature to find some more gas makes it even better! It will make almost any creature into a formidable attacker in the late game.
Banishing Slash
Average Picked At: 4.58
Total Times Picked: 71
Average Last Seen At: 3.69
Total Times Seen 220
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a premium removal spell. The set has a ton of artifacts and enchantments that are also creatures, so even if those creatures aren’t tapped, you can kill them – plus the additional flexibility of taking down other permanent types in addition to creatures is quite nice. The additional upside will give you a 2/2 sometimes too, and when you’re doing that this will feel downright absurd!
Average Picked At: 3.86
Total Times Picked: 66
Average Last Seen At: 3.69
Total Times Seen 222
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is pretty good. It will set you up for a 2-for-1 most of the time, and the fact it has Menace even means it can be a little bit of a problem as an attacker. The one downside here is that sometimes you won’t really want to play this on turn three, because you don’t have a permanent in your graveyard. It is costed as more of an aggressive creature, but most of the time you probably won’t want to play this if you aren’t taking advantage of the ETB. The good news is, most of the time you’ll be able to.
Invoke the Winds
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: As is the case with all the cards in this cycle, it is tricky to cast, but very powerful, and it is possible this is the most powerful of the bunch. Stealing an opposing permanent is one of the most powerful things you can do in Magic, as you remove whatever your opponent’s best artifact or creature is and add it to your own board. Untapping it might seem like a little thing, but frequently your opponent’s best thing will be tapped down, so getting it and being able to block with it right away actually matters. 5 mana is a very reasonable price for doing this – the problem is the quadruple Blue cost, which is usually tricky to assemble in Limited. That said, this is certainly powerful enough to take very, very early. Provided you keep it in mind and Blue is open, you should be able to draft fixing and lean a little extra into Blue so that you have a greater-than-normal chance of getting quadruple Blue mana in your deck. You probably need about 12 Blue sources to feel secure about it. While this is certainly hard to cast, I do think it is doable enough in this format, and the card is powerful enough, that it sneaks into the lower bomb range.
Average Picked At: 14.89
Total Times Picked: 107
Average Last Seen At: 12.32
Total Times Seen 1627
Acquisition Octopus
Average Picked At: 6.60
Total Times Picked: 50
Average Last Seen At: 4.84
Total Times Seen 337
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: 3-mana 2/2s that draw you a card when they hit the opponent are always kind of alright. If you can get a blocker out of the way, or give them evasion, they can do some work. The nice thing with this verison of it, is that if the Octopus can’t get it done on its own, it can give that ability to another creature that is more capable of getting in there.
Moonsnare Prototype
Average Picked At: 12.16
Total Times Picked: 130
Average Last Seen At: 10.25
Total Times Seen 1654
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Without channel, this would be pretty close to unplayable. A one mana mana-rock is kind of exciting, but having to tap both the Prototype and something else to make a colorless mana just isn’t going to be that great in Limited most of the time. It might do something really early, but it is just a dud late. But, this card helps mitigate against that because in the late game you can turn it into a Time Ebb-type effect. Paying 5 for that effect isn’t amazing – and like with a lot of Channel cards neither card individually would be very good, but together? I think this ends up being a reasonable enough playable, albeit one you end up cutting a decent chunk of the time. Modality really improves the card, though.
Disruption Protocol
Average Picked At: 11.77
Total Times Picked: 123
Average Last Seen At: 9.55
Total Times Seen 1542
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: If you have enough Artifacts around and consistent access to Blue mana, this seems reasonable. If you are paying 1UU for it, then you’re not getting a very good deal – Cancel is just so much worse than Counterspell! There are enough Artifacts in this set, though, that I think this will be Counterspell often enough that I just want to give it a C. Counterspells have their problems in Limited – namely that you have to have the mana up at the right time – which in a way makes them very conditional removal – but when the mana you need to leave up is two or less, we see the Counterspells end up being fairly playable, and I think that’s what we have here.
Dokuchi Silencer
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This looks pretty good. If you ninjutsu it in, you’ll always have a card to discard to the effect. It sort of makes it a Bone Splinters on a stick, which is pretty good overall. Obviously, if it is able to get in more than once, it can really wreck the opposing board. Turning random creatures in hand to removal spells will usually be worth it.
Discover the Impossible
Average Picked At: 12.39
Total Times Picked: 57
Average Last Seen At: 9.19
Total Times Seen 700
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This gives you some nice card selection, but most of the time you’re going to just be spinning your wheels – getting one card from casting it for three mana – and most of the time its just going to feel worse than Divination. If you’re not adding to the board, you’ve got to be getting something pretty significant out of this. The upside on cheap spells is nice, and will make it feel a little more efficient, but its still just one card. I think you’ll find yourself cutting this card more than you’ll play it.
Jukai Trainee
Average Picked At: 9.69
Total Times Picked: 123
Average Last Seen At: 8.44
Total Times Seen 1376
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: They decided to give this samurai the old Bushido mechanic. It’s a two mana 2/2 that is harder than most two mana 2/2s to block or attack through, and that’s probably enough of an upside for you to play it a decent chunk of the time.
Unstoppable Ogre
Average Picked At: 9.89
Total Times Picked: 166
Average Last Seen At: 8.92
Total Times Seen 1498
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: The enter the battlefield trigger on the card won’t always do something for you, but there will be a decent number of situations where it allows you to attack more effectively with your board. It can also crew everything which is nice.
Tatsunari, Toad Rider
Average Picked At: 1.45
Total Times Picked: 29
Average Last Seen At: 1.44
Total Times Seen 34
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This 3-mana 3/3 has a ton of upside. If you can manage to cast an Enchantment you’re going to end up with 6/6 worth of stats that is very difficult to block, and that even drains your opponent when you play Enchantments! It is definitely kind of a build around, as it really needs Enchantments to excel, but because it has such a reasonable baseline you can even play this in a deck with only one Enchantment and feel pretty good about it. And..this set has a lot of Enchantments, so getting enough of them in your deck isn’t a very big ask.
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