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Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Limited Quiz

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Excavation Mole
Average Picked At: 10.18
Total Times Picked: 209
Average Last Seen At: 8.83
Total Times Seen 1946
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a Grizzly Bears with some nice upside. Making mutate creatures bigger and gaining you a bit of life is a very real bonus. And, I think your average Green deck will probably have 3-5 cards with Mutate, so it will be triggering regularly in most decks in this format. Something to keep in mind too, is that if you Mutate ON to this, it will start putting counters on the new Mutate creature, something that might be the ideal path to take sometimes.
Gyruda, Doom of Depths
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Making this a Companion is doable, though not something that will always work out. When you can do it, effectively having Gyruda in your opening hand every game for an additional cost of three mana is pretty insane. But, Gyruda is a crazy bomb even if you just put him in your deck, since he’s a 6-mana 6/6 that basically always gives you another nice creature.
Everquill Phoenix
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 4/4 with Flying on its own is really good. That’s your fail case here, really. The upside is that you can mutate it and make sure you can get your Phoenix back most of the time, in addition to changing a creature on the board into into a 4/4 flyer.
Spontaneous Flight
Average Picked At: 11.16
Total Times Picked: 164
Average Last Seen At: 9.22
Total Times Seen 2099
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: The best tricks cost very little mana, and this doesn’t really deliver there. Still, it does give a pretty nice boost and permanently gives your creature Flying. That last part means that it can help you get in for lethal, or really alter a race in a hurry. Still, it has all the risks that tricks have – it is situational and you risk getting 2-for-1’d.
Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: A 4-mana ⅗ double strike as a fail case is really good -- even if it DOES ask for three colors of mana, which is by no means easy to pull off in most formats. However, like all the apexes, he has an easier-to-cast Mutate thanks to Hybrid mana, and his Mutate trigger lets you do 4 to something and gain 4 life, which certainly offsets the risk of mutating. Plus, putting this on top of a Mutation, and holding on to the Double Strike while it gains additional abilities is pretty tempting.
Startling Development
Average Picked At: 9.09
Total Times Picked: 222
Average Last Seen At: 8.26
Total Times Seen 1872
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Another highly situational card with one mana cycling, Startling Development is much better than it looks. The 4/4 part will come up sometimes, and when it does it will be nice! But yeah, the real power here comes from being able to Cycle away for one mana.
Jegantha, the Wellspring
Average Picked At: 2.19
Total Times Picked: 42
Average Last Seen At: 2.09
Total Times Seen 82
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is one of the easier companions to make into a Companion, as sometimes your deck will just fulfill the requirement without even trying! And like all of these, when you meet their requirement, they effectively are built-in card advantage, even if you do pay a little extra to put it into your hand. Jegantha gives you a 5-mana 5/5, which is nice, and even fixes for you. Since it generally isn’t a big cost to companion it, it is pretty appealing.
Imposing Vantasaur
Average Picked At: 7.38
Total Times Picked: 261
Average Last Seen At: 6.97
Total Times Seen 1561
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Like all one-mana cyclers, this is a pretty high pick, and way better than it looks! It can be a big defensive creature if that’s what you need, but you can also just throw it away to look for something better – while also triggering all of your cycling payoffs.
Glowstone Recluse
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A three-mana ⅔ with Reach is usually playable, and this has good mutate upside. You can use it to lend reach to a creature who really needs it, if you are mutating it and putting it underneath a big creature, but the more valuable option will usually be to Mutate with this on top, since it will be a ⅘ who also gains the abilities of whatever is underneath it.
Zagoth Crystal
Average Picked At: 9.00
Total Times Picked: 72
Average Last Seen At: 6.52
Total Times Seen 611
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: The crystals all provide good fixing – something you want a lot of the time in this format – and they all have Cycling, which means when you draw one and don’t really need the fixing, you can just throw it away to draw another card.
Mythos of Nethroi
Average Picked At: 2.21
Total Times Picked: 56
Average Last Seen At: 2.25
Total Times Seen 79
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: So, 2B to destroy a creature at Instant speed is a very good card, and certainly premium removal. This comes with the additional upside of, if you are going straight up Abzan, you can turn this into almost Vindicate, and destroy any nonland permanent -- not just creatures! Still, most of the time you’ll just be killing a creature with this really efficiently, and that’s kind of nice. Most of the other Mythos really need you to be in the right wedge to get their full value, but this one only gets a minor upgrade, which means it is very splashable.
Titans' Nest
Average Picked At: 5.30
Total Times Picked: 33
Average Last Seen At: 4.74
Total Times Seen 192
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: This is too tricky to ever make work in Limited.
Frostveil Ambush
Average Picked At: 8.82
Total Times Picked: 216
Average Last Seen At: 8.00
Total Times Seen 1692
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Like all one-mana cyclers, this is much better than it looks! It has a very situational effect when you cast it as a spell – but the thing is, when you can take advantage of that effect it feels really good. When you can’t, you can just Cycle it away!
Springjaw Trap
Average Picked At: 12.17
Total Times Picked: 151
Average Last Seen At: 10.22
Total Times Seen 2321
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: You’ll play this if you end up with enough flash in UB, or if you’re desperate for removal, OR if you have Lurrus. But that’s pretty much it.
Patagia Tiger
Average Picked At: 10.25
Total Times Picked: 191
Average Last Seen At: 8.52
Total Times Seen 1828
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: A 5-mana ¾ Flyer is usually a serviceable card in Limited.. This brings some pretty real additional upside, in that it can pump humans. White and Black especially have a lot of humans, and in those decks this will be a nice common because it will frequently give one of your Humans an attack that wouldn’t have worked before the Tiger came down.
Sanctuary Smasher
Average Picked At: 6.00
Total Times Picked: 76
Average Last Seen At: 5.08
Total Times Seen 399
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: A 6-mana 6/4 First Strike is already a pretty nice creature in Limited -- it is hard for opponent’s to set up advantageous blocks on this, and even if you’re behind, First Strike allows this thing to block pretty effectiely too! Then you add the Cycling ability -- which even if it did nothing else would be a nice thing to add to this creature, since you could get rid of it if you were desperate for a land drop and nowhere near the six mana -- but this Cycling ability actually does something, and it is something that can completely alter combat. Giving First Strike to something at Instant speed is nice, especially when it is attached to a creature who can be a scary attacker in the late game. So yeah, I think this is pretty awesome, and definitely worth a first pick.
Trumpeting Gnarr
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 3/3 is a nice baseline, and then this has a Mutate ability that offsets the risk of getting 2-for-1’d since it makes you a token every time. That mutate ability definitely isn’t efficient, but you’ll be surprised at how good it feels despite that
Savai Sabertooth
Average Picked At: 10.81
Total Times Picked: 166
Average Last Seen At: 9.14
Total Times Seen 2014
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Two mana 3/1s tend to be fine two drops for aggressive decks.
Honey Mammoth
Average Picked At: 9.69
Total Times Picked: 180
Average Last Seen At: 8.14
Total Times Seen 1860
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: It isn’t exciting, but a 6-mana 6/6 that gains you 4 life can go a long way towards helping you stabilize against more aggressive decks.
Illuna, Apex of Wishes
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: So, if you don’t mutate this, it is a 5-mana 6/6 with Flying and Trample -- that’s a pretty good deal, even if it does ask you for three different colors of mana. However, the real power of this card will come from you either casting it for its Mutate cost, or Mutating other stuff with it, because then it will grab a nonland permanent from your deck and put it into play for free, which is pretty absurd. Mutate does have the danger of devastating you with spot removal when you stack creatures on top of eachother, but this Mutate trigger helps offset that. Soemthing to note here too -- while you have to be three colors if you want to hardcast Iluna, you don’t necessarily have to be if your plan is Mutating -- because it has RG Hybrid mana as part of the Mutate cost, you can Mutate this in a UG or RG deck too -- and like I said, the real value will come from doing that an way. Between impressive stats and the amazing Mutate trigger, it is hard to imagine Iluna not being incredible -- especially because it is playable in two color decks!
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