Pioneer - Grinning Birgi Combo

4 15 19
28 10 0 22

This is one of the most annoying combo decks I've met.

With Hazoret's Monumentimage and Birgi, God of Storytellingimage you can cast Grinning Ignusimage and return it to hand, redraw from monument if necessary, and basically gain infinite mana. You loot untill you find a wincon and that's it.

Collected Companyimage can put half of combo in EOT step, which can be a winning move as fast as turn 3 (Given, you have an 1drop Elf in play). 

Risen Reefimage will keep taking out cards from deck when you grind Ignus and you might deck out. Sometimes is better to leave yourself with wincons in hand, generate bunch of health thanks to Prosperous Innkeeperimage and hold on to next turn.

You do NOT need monument to combo off to win. You can do this with at least one Runaway Steam-Kinimage - recasting Ignus every 3 times will give you 3 red mana from Steam-Kin. 

Against aggro you have bunch of removal spells: Fryimage, Redcap Meleeimage, Burning Handsimage

* Mono Red Aggro - you will chump block with your creatures, try to get early value from Risen Reefs to combo off and wait with removal for Embercleaves or other 'additional value'

* Mono Blue Spirits - this is tough. First, you have evasive creatures to fight against, then there are counters... I find the best way to put as many creatures as I can, and try to snowball him while removing his bigger plays with my removal. Then HOPEFULLY I can win with banefire X>5. 

Against Lotus you have Alpine Moonimage and well... enough time to combo-off first I suppose.

Against RB midrange, which is most of the played decks now - Redcap Meleeimage is AWESOME. Unlicensed Hearseimage Can put a nice fight against Sac deck, and easily grow big enough to block his big threats. Also Tamiyo's Safekeepingimage is there to SAVE your Birgi/Ignus/Monument when he tries to interrupt the combo.
Against control you have Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage, Mystical Disputeimage and Fryimage, and two Banefireimage in Main which can easily finish up opponent or most annoying walker - Teferi.

Be aware of your triggers, In paper I'm going to 'group' triggering permanent on table, so I can tap on them to easily follow all the triggers. 

Yet again - try not to deckout with Risen Reefimage when you are not sure about combo, If you. need another turn, leave bunch of cards in the deck so you can finish next turn.

In the Arena - deck is fun to play. It's quite easy to learn it, when you know what to do. For the Arena, you swap Mana Confluenceimage with any other "reddish" land, and Alpine Moon for additional Dispute.



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Last Updated: 20 Aug 2022
Created: 10 Aug 2022
1228 111 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 15 cards (10 distinct)


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