Commander - Budget CEDH Bruvac

16 49 2 32

The Commander: Bruvac the Grandiloquent

Bruvac the Grandiloquent isn't just a character with a penchant for grand words; he's a powerhouse in a mill-based strategy. His ability to double the number of cards milled from an opponent's library is the cornerstone of our deck. Each card and combo in this deck is chosen to synergize with Bruvac's milling prowess, turning the act of milling from a mere annoyance to a devastating path to victory.

Deck Strategy and Key Cards

At its core, this deck is about milling your opponents rapidly while maintaining control over the game. Cards like Hedron Crab and Mesmeric Orb provide a steady flow of mill, while Fleet Swallower and Traumatize, paired with Bruvac, offer a knockout punch to an opponent's library. Control elements like Counterspell and Cyclonic Rift ensure you can protect your strategy and disrupt your opponents' plans.

Key cards such as Sphinx's Tutelage and Fraying Sanity turn your card draws into milling machines. Mystic Sanctuary acts as a recursion tool, bringing back your most impactful spells. The inclusion of Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots is crucial for protecting Bruvac from removals.

Gameplay Strategy

Playing this deck requires a balance between aggressively milling your opponents and tactfully controlling the game state. The early game focuses on setting up your milling engines and mana acceleration. Mid-game is where Bruvac shines, and your milling starts to significantly impact your opponents. Key interactions and combos should be executed with precision, keeping in mind the delicate balance between milling and control.

In the late game, as opponents’ libraries thin out, it's crucial to maintain control and counter key threats. Cards like Psychic Spiral play a dual role in preventing you from milling out and adding more mill pressure on your opponents.

Upgrade Path

For those looking to enhance their deck, adding powerhouse cards like Mana Drain, Force of Will, and Snapcaster Mage can significantly boost your control capabilities. Chrome Mox and Mana Crypt provide fast mana, while Jeweled Lotus can accelerate Bruvac's deployment. The inclusion of a combo like Painter's Servant and Grindstone offers an alternative win condition, turning the deck into a formidable cEDH contender.


Building a competitive Commander deck on a budget is not only possible but can be a rewarding and fun experience. This Bruvac deck serves as a testament to strategic deck building and the depth available in Magic the Gathering. Whether you're milling your way to victory or upgrading the deck with powerhouses, the journey is as enjoyable as the destination. Remember, in Commander, creativity and adaptability are your greatest assets. Happy milling!


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Last Updated: 11 Feb 2024
Created: 11 Feb 2024
1049 79 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (72 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (49)
Land (32)
Planeswalker (2)

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