Commander - The Gristler, Veteran Soldier (future)

54 2 58
36 89 3 4

Simple concept, both Amber Gristle O'Maulimage and Veteran Soldierimage trigger on attack, stack them so that Veteran Soldier resolves first, make the tokens, then Amber's trigger resolves and you discard and draw.  The rest of the deck triggers off card draw, discards, creature ETBs, tokens, etc, or creates more trigger events (redundancy of the commanders' abilities/triggers).  This could easily be used as a commander shell for any red/white theme that doesn't need to revolve around a commander, like combos, or tribal, etc... maybe Angels and Dragons...?


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Last Updated: 09 May 2024
Created: 09 May 2024
2 6 0

Commander - 2 cards (2 distinct)


Mainboard - 133 cards (133 distinct)

Creature (36)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (89)
Land (4)
Other (1)
Planeswalker (3)

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