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Theros Beyond Death Limited Quiz

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Skophos Warleader
Average Picked At: 10.29
Total Times Picked: 45
Average Last Seen At: 8.50
Total Times Seen 423
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is another cheap sacrifice outlet, which works quite well in the BR deck. It is pretty inefficient other than that, though.
The First Iroan Games
Average Picked At: 1.42
Total Times Picked: 12
Average Last Seen At: 1.62
Total Times Seen 13
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is good, as it will usually be well worth the 3 mana you spend on it. Even if you have nothing going on on the board, it helps add to the board for you, then makes the creature big, and can then also draw you a card. Obviously, your creature has to survive to the third chapter to draw that card, and sometimes it won’t – but most of the time you’ll also have more than just this 1/1 in play, too! The final chapter is probably the least impressive in most cases, but hey, at least it helps you fix and ramp your mana.
Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
Average Picked At: 1.00
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 1.20
Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This guy really underachieved in this format. He seems like he would be an incredible bomb, but it turns out -2/-1 doesn’t kill at as many things as you’d hope, and having the resources to sacrifice OR the life to pay to draw cards is no guarantee either. Now, I’m not saying he’s bad, mind you – he is still a great card and going to be one of the best cards in your deck – he just isn’t a bomb either.
Grim Physician
Average Picked At: 11.00
Total Times Picked: 44
Average Last Seen At: 8.96
Total Times Seen 451
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: This can trade for X/2s, or threaten a 2-for-1 against two X/1s. It isn’t a terrible thing to sacrifice. But you mostly won’t play it.
Phoenix of Ash
Average Picked At: 1.10
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 1.59
Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 2/2 with Flying and Haste is already good -- then, the Phoenix comes with the ability to pump its power if you pump mana into it, which means even if your opponent manages to get something with Reach or Flying into play, the Phoenix can take it down if it needs to. Then, like all Phoenixes, Ash Phoenix can rise from the ashes, and in this case come back as a 3/3 with Flying and Haste. It also only asks for three cards to be exiled to Escape, and because of that Escaping with this over and over again isn’t really far-fetched. That means this Phoenix is going to be a nightmare for opponents, constantly coming back and dealing lots of damage in the sky. While this Phoenix is small, I think that its recursion and efficiency are enough to make into a bomb.
Erebos's Intervention
Average Picked At: 2.57
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 2.20
Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This scales all game long, and is capable of killing anything if the situation is right. Sometimes, X-costed Sorceries that are removal spells have the donwnside of making you tap out to kill one creature, which on some boards can be dangerous – but the life gain this gives you helps make that less of a big deal. Now, the second mode – the ability to exile stuff from graveyards – will only be what you want to do a small percentage of the time, but it does come up on occasion.
Banishing Light
Average Picked At: 2.30
Total Times Picked: 23
Average Last Seen At: 2.28
Total Times Seen 42
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This is a premium removal spell whenever we see it. Three mana to deal with any non-land permanent is incredible, especially because it is exiled -- something that really matters in a set with a graveyard matters theme. It is also an Enchantment, which gives this already very powerful cards some additional value in a set with an Enchantment theme. One thing not going for Banishing Light is the fact that this set, in addition to having way more Enchantments than normal, also has way more ways to deal with Enchantments than is the norm, meaning your opponent can get the permanent back from this more often than you might think. But still, most of the time, this will at least take care of a problem permanent for a few turns, and that will often be enough.
Cling to Dust
Average Picked At: 9.40
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 6.06
Total Times Seen 113
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: This isn’t worth a slot in your deck. The Escape cost is too high – in both mana and cards you have to exile – so ever being able to use this repeatedly is unlikely.
Nessian Boar
Average Picked At: 2.38
Total Times Picked: 8
Average Last Seen At: 2.35
Total Times Seen 18
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This has some pretty impressive stats, and a lure effect. Basically if you attack with your whole board, your opponent can only block the Boar so you know everything else will get in, and that’s great! What won’t feel so great sometimes is the fact that every creature your opponent has to put in front of the boar draws them a card – so they end up sort of breaking even on the exchange, or potentially doing even better if they can take down the Boar. If the boar does survive to do its thing again on the next turn, you probably win, as a second attack with your whole board should mean the end of your opponent. If your opponent survives this initial attack though, they’ll often be able to stabilize thanks to the cards you gave them. In other words, the Boar is really swingy and inconsistent, but the ceiling is high enough that I like it a fair bit.
Nylea's Intervention
Average Picked At: 6.33
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 4.00
Total Times Seen 36
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: This normally just doesn’t do enough for the investment. If you can get it to kill a flyer or two it will feel pretty good, but that alone is mostly a sideboard effect. It does also help you splash, since it lets you search up lands, but overall it is just too slow and clunky to be worth it.
Medomai's Prophecy
Average Picked At: 4.42
Total Times Picked: 12
Average Last Seen At: 3.53
Total Times Seen 57
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This gives you a bunch of small effects, but taken together they make for a reasonable card. The one thing that bothers me about is that sometimes you just can’t cast what you named with Chapter II, because the state of the game demands you do something else, but I think you draw 2 off of it often enough that it turns out to be a solid card.
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
Average Picked At: 1.40
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 1.25
Total Times Seen 8
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Her ability to blink creatures every turn isn’t bad -- it can allow you to abuse ETB abilities, and also gives one of your creatures pseudo-vigilance every turn. It also means that she will usually have some impact on the board right away, even if only effectively untapping a creature. Additionally, every color has Enchantment-based removal spells at lower rarities, and Thassa can make those fall off of your creatures. On top of that, if you have a ton of mana lying around, she can tap stuff -- which is a powerful effect -- but it does ask for a lot of mana, though it is a nice mana sink. Then, of course, if your devotion is high enough she becomes a huge, indestructible creature. So, where does that leave us? Well, she needs to be built around a little, and her activated ability is not exactly priced to move, and I think both of those things keep her from being a straight up bomb – but she has the real potential to be a value engine.
Omen of the Sea
Average Picked At: 5.77
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 5.42
Total Times Seen 238
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Two mana to Scry 2 and draw a card at instant speed is already kind of a reasonable thing -- compare it to Anticipate. Here, the fact that you can use it to Scry later on in the game, and the fact that it will be right at home in a few different decks in this format -- both those interested in Enchantments, and those interested in doing stuff on the opponent’s turn -- is enough for this to be a solid playable.
Wolfwillow Haven
Average Picked At: 5.80
Total Times Picked: 25
Average Last Seen At: 4.56
Total Times Seen 97
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This gives you a nice mana boost in the early game, and then in the late game – when such an effect doesn’t feel especially useful – it gives you something that can actually impact the board in the form of a wolf token.
Inspire Awe
Average Picked At: 12.81
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 10.60
Total Times Seen 538
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: Fogs are unplayable in Limited 99% of the time. You use up a card for no real effect. This is not the 1% where that’s not true.
Nylea's Huntmaster
Average Picked At: 9.21
Total Times Picked: 53
Average Last Seen At: 7.73
Total Times Seen 389
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This has alright stats and a decent ETB trigger, though it is kind of a bummer it only increases power. This makes it harder for it to create an attack for you where a creature is now able to survive combat, instead it will just make it hit harder.
Agonizing Remorse
Average Picked At: 5.93
Total Times Picked: 15
Average Last Seen At: 4.95
Total Times Seen 99
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a great discard spell. It allows you to really disrupt your opponent early, and in the late game it can still do something – like exile a creature from Escape from their graveyard. That gets pretty close to still being a 1-for-1 late, and that’s what allows this to be a discard spell you actually feel good about in Limited – it does something all game long.
Brine Giant
Average Picked At: 9.00
Total Times Picked: 26
Average Last Seen At: 7.36
Total Times Seen 344
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is basically affinity for Enchantments. I think you need to consistently only be paying 5 for this for it to be worth it, and even 5 isn’t anything impressive. Lower than that and it starts to be a little more passable.
Slaughter-Priest of Mogis
Average Picked At: 6.59
Total Times Picked: 22
Average Last Seen At: 5.63
Total Times Seen 118
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a nice payoff for Sacrifing and a sacrifice outlet itself! I always like when payoffs can synergize with themselves, as that makes them a lot less risky. This is a very difficult creature to block, and at the same time sometimes you can’t just take it because it can kill you. That makes him a challenging thing to face down.
Calix, Destiny's Hand
Average Picked At: 2.20
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 2.20
Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: So, Calix loves Enchantments. And in a format with a bunch of Enchantments, I think he will be pretty powerful – his +1 will regularly draw you a card, and his -3 will let you kill anything that stands in your way. He doesn’t have an Ultimate that will be consistently game-breaking, but it isn’t bad. Now, this set is loaded up with Enchantments for sure, but I think you need around 7 of them for Calix to be at his best, and sometimes even in a deck with that many he won’t be at his best.
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