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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Light the Way
Average Picked At: 11.95
Total Times Picked: 110
Average Last Seen At: 9.65
Total Times Seen 1587
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: We see cards with two modal effects like this a lot, and they are almost always underwhelming. It seems like you’ll always be able to do something meaningful with one of the modes, but it just doesn’t work out that way all that often. When you can use it as a trick to help your creature win combat, or help a creature dodge removal, or you rebuy an ETB ability it will feel good, but mostly this won’t give you a full card worth of value often enough.
Crackling Emergence
Average Picked At: 12.78
Total Times Picked: 138
Average Last Seen At: 10.53
Total Times Seen 1695
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a neat take on a land animation spell – making it so the land doesn’t die when the creature does is definitely a nice little upgrade, but these types of spells basically always underperform. They are the most impressive in the early game in a lot of ways – but you also don’t want to be hindering the way you develop your board, and by turning a land into a creature, you might be doing just that. It is kind of exciting to think about your opponent trading a real creature for this, but it isn’t as good of a deal as it seems – you’re still just trading 1-for-1.
Raiyuu, Storm's Edge
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 3/3 with First Strike is already decent, and this gives you a pretty big bonus for attacking with only a single Samurai or Warrior, since you get another combat phase – and presumably one where you probably attack with more than just one creature. Notably, Raiyuu can do the attacking all on his own to give you that combat phase, so you don’t even necessarily need a bunch of warriors or Samurai to make it happen. Its also important that that second combat phase will happen even if the lone attacker dies.
Kodama of the West Tree
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a 3-mana 3/3 with text box loaded with upside! Hard to go wrong there. Even if it just had Reach, it would probably be at least a C+ – but giving modified creatures trample, and letting you search up basic lands is pretty nice. Obviously, you’re going to need to do some modifying to take full advantage of the card, but that’s not a huge ask in this set.
Blade-Blizzard Kitsune
Average Picked At: 5.34
Total Times Picked: 53
Average Last Seen At: 4.62
Total Times Seen 330
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: 3-mana for a 2/2 Double Striker is actually a great rate, and I kind of think that would probably be a 3.0 in any format. Its just a creature that can punch above its weight class really well, easily take down other cards that are two and three mana, and it hits hard, and it is both a good blocker and attacker. This set has plenty of Auras, +1/+1 counters, and Equipment, all of which go really well with the Kitsune. The Ninjutsu here is some nice additional upside, as sometimes maybe you want to sneak in 4 damage for lethal, or there is some other benefit to casting it that way, but I think you’ll more frequently just cast this for three mana and Ninjutsu it – so, I don’t actually think the Ninja angle here is huge upside.
Regent's Authority
Average Picked At: 11.43
Total Times Picked: 102
Average Last Seen At: 9.44
Total Times Seen 1602
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 3/2 with Vigilance is usually reasonable playable, and this one comes with a very nice ability. You won’t always have an Enchantment in your graveyard of course, but there are enough Enchantments in this set that you’ll have them reasonably often, and obviously casting one off of this ability is like drawing a card, and that’s pretty darn powerful. Like with all of these, its great that they designed them so that they can trigger the ability on their own – but you can also use other Samurais/Warriors to trigger the ability if you’ve got them around. 32 – Regent’s Authority – 1.5 This is a solid trick. One mana for +2/+2 tends to be a good rate in general, and the additional enchantment/legendary creature upside is something you’ll be able to take advantage often enough.
Raiyuu, Storm's Edge
Average Picked At: 3.86
Total Times Picked: 22
Average Last Seen At: 3.20
Total Times Seen 74
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 3/3 with First Strike is already decent, and this gives you a pretty big bonus for attacking with only a single Samurai or Warrior, since you get another combat phase – and presumably one where you probably attack with more than just one creature. Notably, Raiyuu can do the attacking all on his own to give you that combat phase, so you don’t even necessarily need a bunch of warriors or Samurai to make it happen. Its also important that that second combat phase will happen even if the lone attacker dies.
Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
Average Picked At: 3.06
Total Times Picked: 88
Average Last Seen At: 2.84
Total Times Seen 230
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: There are enough Artifacts and Enchantments around that Chapter I and II are likely to provide significant buffs – since it counts itself, it will at least give something +1/+1, and that’s not too shabby – sometimes it will do a ton more than that. Once it becomes a creature it might struggle to be large – but probably not, as there are enough artifacts and Enchantments that her being a 2/2 is a pretty likely outcome, and considering your total investment, and how meaningful chapter I and II will usually be, you’re getting a pretty good deal – and sometimes she’ll be massive!
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
Average Picked At: 4.28
Total Times Picked: 18
Average Last Seen At: 3.20
Total Times Seen 75
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Like all of these, this is pretty nice. Having a land with no downside that can return a creature from your graveyard to your hand in the later part of the game is great.
Lucky Offering
Average Picked At: 11.09
Total Times Picked: 101
Average Last Seen At: 8.92
Total Times Seen 1388
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is actually passable in your main deck in this format, since there are so many artifacts, and many of them can be blown up by this. It is still narrow enough that I don’t love putting in the main deck.
Invoke Calamity
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: You’ll get the most value out of this if you’re casting stuff from your graveyard, so it does require at least a little bit of set-up. If you are just casting things from your hand, you aren’t actually gaining cards, you’re getting a discount – and while a discount is nice, getting two whole cards of value out of this will pretty much always be better. Of course, it costs quadruple Red, and by the time you have that kind of mana, your graveyard is pretty likely to be stocked. As with all of these cycles, though, that mana is also a hefty downside in Limited, as getting quadruple of a single color can be tough in your typical 2-color Limited deck. The payoff here is good for sure, but I think the other cards in this cycle give you more for the difficult mana cost. If this was easy to cast, I would probably give it a 3.5, but I think the challenge of casting it makes it a 2.5.
Grafted Growth
Average Picked At: 9.26
Total Times Picked: 126
Average Last Seen At: 7.98
Total Times Seen 1252
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: We have seen similar cards before, and the fact they fix and ramp for you while adding a little something to the board always makes them pretty reasonable, especially if you’re in the market for mana of any color. You probably don’t play it in a two-color deck, though.
Secluded Courtyard
Average Picked At: 10.93
Total Times Picked: 30
Average Last Seen At: 7.99
Total Times Seen 634
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 2.5
Pro Comment: So, this set does have a bit of a tribal element, but I think it will still be a bit difficult to make this actually produce mana of any color consistently enough that I don’t love this card in most Limited decks in this format. If it is producing colorless almost all the time, it isn’t worth it, because that makes your mana base way worse. You need a critical mass of creatures with the same type – and that’s doable – but it isn’t a forgone conclusion.
Tempered in Solitude
Average Picked At: 8.55
Total Times Picked: 53
Average Last Seen At: 6.55
Total Times Seen 480
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a great payoff for attacking with a creature alone, something that will of course be well-supported within the RW color pair. Attacking alone basically draws you a card here, so even if you offer up an attack that will be a trade at best, you’re probably still coming out ahead. While it is definitely going to make the most sense in RW, it gives you a pretty good reason to only attack with one creature a turn in most of the Red decks.
Moonsnare Specialist
Average Picked At: 5.26
Total Times Picked: 211
Average Last Seen At: 5.30
Total Times Seen 799
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a very good common. We have seen 4-mana 2/2s that Bounce a creature be very good in the past, and that’s what we have here as a base line. The Ninjutsu upside being tacked on means it can feel a little more like a Man-O’-War since you’re paying three mana, and being able to do it at instant speed may also enable you to break up an opposing block or something, which is pretty spicy.
Selfless Samurai
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This looks like a very nice Uncommon. A two mana 2/2 with Lifelink would be a solid card, a two mana 2/2 that can sacrifice itself to make something indestructible would be solid too – and this does both of those things plus in most ways it is better than just being a two mana 2/2 with Lifelink, since it can let larger creatures attack on their own and gain that useful keyword. The whole package here is just great: Solid stats, and two nice abilities. I think you can first pick this pretty happily.
Blossom Prancer
Average Picked At: 2.70
Total Times Picked: 73
Average Last Seen At: 2.53
Total Times Seen 156
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Your deck will have enough Enchantments and Creatures in it that you will virtually always hit with the ETB ability, so you are ending up with a 5-mana 4/4 with Reach that draws you a very real card. Its nice that if you do miss, or you are in a situation where you’d rather have 4 life than a card, it can do that too. And yeah, a 5-mana 4/4 Reach that gains you 4 life on ETB would also be a nice card.
Spinning Wheel Kick
Average Picked At: 4.34
Total Times Picked: 73
Average Last Seen At: 4.38
Total Times Seen 275
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a neat take on this type of Green removal. It has a way higher ceiling than most cards like it, but it also has a pretty disappointing floor. You have to pay 4 mana to do the damage to one thing – and at Sorcery speed. That’s something we have gotten pretty regularly for about 3 mana of late and at Instant speed. It not being an Instant matters for sure too, because with this type of spell you have to pick your spots carefully, as a removal spell will utterly blow you out. So yeah, the floor here…not great. However, if you pay 6 for this, and it lets you take down TWO creatures, you’re going to feel pretty awesome, and in the extreme late game it can do even more work than that. I don’t quite think it is premium, though. The baseline is too inefficient and clunky, and the requirements that a card like this already asks you for – that is, having a creature with high power, and your opponent not being able to interact in response – those things it asks for you are already a big enough hurdle.
March of Otherworldly Light
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is premium removal. It won’t usually be super efficient, as you’ll almost always be paying one more mana than your opponent did for what you exile, but it makes up for that by being able to deal with three permanent types, permanently getting rid of the thing you remove, and being an Instant. In a pinch, you can even exile some cards in your hand to take something down. That sort of effect isn’t quite as exciting in Limited as in constructed, as 2-for-1ing yourself is usually not the best idea in Limited. You’d rather just pay more mana most of the time. But if you find yourself in a situation where your opponent has a must kill and you just don’t have the mana, sometimes you’ll just have to bite the bullet, and that’s nice upside to have.
Silver-Fur Master
Average Picked At: 5.12
Total Times Picked: 67
Average Last Seen At: 4.46
Total Times Seen 338
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is quite the signpost Uncommon for the UB Ninja deck. Buffing all of your Ninjas and Rogues and decreasing the cost Ninjutsu is quite impressive, and sometimes you’ll be able to Ninjutsu this in and buff some of your creatures to either do more damage to your opponent or make it so your creature or creatures win combat.
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