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Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Wizard Class
Average Picked At: 4.41
Total Times Picked: 96
Average Last Seen At: 3.82
Total Times Seen 496
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is much less buildaroundy than most of the other Classes, and that’s good news, because it will just be nice in any Blue deck, though it does get better the better you are at drawing cards. The level one Enchantment is pretty irrelevant, but drawing two at level two will feel nice, and obviously leveling this up all the way will feel great, as getting a counter every turn is quite nice. It is quite slow, of course, and that holds it back significantly, but I think it looks pretty nice overall.
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A two-mana 3/2 that enters tapped would already be a decent playable, but the additional effect here is quite good. Most of the time you won’t be making more than one Zombie, but that’s fine. if you are up against this card, trading with it will feel pretty miserable because of that Zombie token. You can even triple block something huge to take it down and still get back a little bit of value. Basically, it is a nice attacker and blocker that replaces itself. It isn’t super exciting, but it is definitely pretty good.
Warlock Class
Average Picked At: 4.84
Total Times Picked: 102
Average Last Seen At: 4.01
Total Times Seen 483
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: The Level 1 of this wouldn’t be worth it on its own, as using up a whole card for a fairly mediocre “morbid” effect that will only trigger every couple of turns or so just isn’t what you want to be doing. Now, it is nice that when you take it to level two, it draws you a card, and I do think that if we looked at this as 2B for an Enchantment with the Morbid ability + the card selection effect, you’d probably play that card. Then, in the late came it can level up and get a pretty powerful effect, but it is worth noting that that effect is really only going to do something if you’re already ahead in most cases. I think the whole package is probably a solid playable.
Displacer Beast
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This seems quite good for an Uncommon. It has sort of passable stats, especially because it does a whole lot more than just sit around as a 3-mana 3/2! The ETB trigger will be quite nice, as Venturing will give you some very significant value. It isn’t quite Professor of Symbology, but I think the comparison helps illustrate why this card will be good. The fact it can bounce itself back to your hand won’t always come up, but in the late game, it can help you venture through a dungeon all on its own, and that will often be a pretty big deal.
Paladin's Shield
Average Picked At: 11.29
Total Times Picked: 223
Average Last Seen At: 9.34
Total Times Seen 3008
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: We have seen Equipment like this before, and I’ve never really been impressed by it. A boost to toughness alone is very rarely something you’re after in your Equipment, and while this does have Flash, so you can use it as sort of a combat trick, it will usually only ever save your creature, and not really help it win combat. Then, after you get to attach it for free that one time, the Equip cost is really high for what this is. RW decks do have an Equipment sub-theme, and that helps it out a little bit, but not enough for it to be something you play regularly.
Wandering Troubadour
Average Picked At: 4.04
Total Times Picked: 136
Average Last Seen At: 3.44
Total Times Seen 412
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: While this isn’t quite Landfall - Venture into a dungeon, it is a close approximation of that, and that seems pretty awesome. You have to wait to venture until the end of your turn, so if your opponent can kill the Bard after you play the land you won’t get to Venture, so keep that in mind when you play with and against this, but the fact that this can venture for you if you’re hitting land drops is pretty awesome. A 4-mana 4/2 isnt’ exactly a world beater, but it is the kind of stat-line that does trade pretty well with bigger creatures, so that’s nice too. I think this is going to be something you take pretty highly
Pixie Guide
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This has a reasonable floor. Two mana ⅓ flyers tend to be sort of acceptable in Limited, and the upsider here is pretty alright too. UR especially will be able to take advantage of the effect, but most decks that are at least part Blue will probably have 2-3 cards that involve a d20, so it will come up some. This isn’t especially close to good, though it isn’t bad either.
Average Picked At: 1.83
Total Times Picked: 24
Average Last Seen At: 1.72
Total Times Seen 32
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This has nice aggressive flying stats to begin with -- if that’s all this was, it would be a very playable card, but the Rejuvenation ability here is big. Either you can just cast Flameskull again and keep pressuring your opponent in the air, or you can cast whatever other card got exiled. I suspect casting Flameskull will be right more often than not, but sometimes he’ll hit something really good that you’ll have to cast -- at which point this is a 3-mana 3/1 with Flying that drew you a card. This set does have a lot of dragons, and that may keep him in check a little bit, but he still seems quite good to me.
Kalain, Reclusive Painter
Average Picked At: 4.10
Total Times Picked: 153
Average Last Seen At: 4.21
Total Times Seen 497
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: A two mana ½ that makes a treasure is already a pretty good deal, but this adds all kinds of upside that will be amazing in the BR deck. Even all on its own, it is pretty likely that the treasure you made will help you play a creature and put a +1/+1 counter on it your next turn, and that’s some serious value. If you manage to really get treasure going with Kalain, she will undoubtedly take over games. She is certainly fragile, but the fail case is that you still get to keep a single treasure, and that helps make that a little less of a problem. This is a really strong signpost Uncommon
Farideh, Devil's Chosen
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: I never thought I’d say this -- but there are enough cards that let you roll a d20 in this set for Farideh to be quite impressive. Flying and Menace usually just means “umblockable,” and you’ll also draw a card about half the time which is just silly. There probably aren’t quite so many d20 cards in this set for Farideh to be super easy to really abuse, but it seems like there’s enough for it to do pretty good
Average Picked At: 12.39
Total Times Picked: 248
Average Last Seen At: 10.11
Total Times Seen 3355
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: +4/+0 is the kind of boost that makes almost any creature capable of attacking, but an Equip Cost of 5 is way too much. This is equipment that might be nice in the later part of the game, since you can just keep sending your guys in, but it will sit on the table doing nothing the rest of the game
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is reminiscent of Sarulf’s Packmate, and that’s a good Green Common to emulate. This gives you a very real body -- a 4/4 with Trample can be relevant on many board states, but obviously the ETB draw a card effect is what really makes this great. It will be virtually impossible for you not to get a 2-for-1 out of this Bear, and the value it gives you will be great. Sure, costing 5 does mean you can only run so many, unlike the Packmate which had Foretell, making it much easier to jam a bunch of them into your deck, but you should still value that first 1-2 copies pretty highly. There’s a good chance this is Green’s best common
Baleful Beholder
Average Picked At: 9.15
Total Times Picked: 311
Average Last Seen At: 8.12
Total Times Seen 2593
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: If you’re looking for some kind of finisher in a Black deck, this Beholder isn’t a terrible place to turn. Sometimes giving menace to your whole time will just win you the game on the spot, other times it won’t do anything --- the average situation is probably somewhere in the middle. Like, it lets one of your creatures attack who couldn’t, but that’s still not bad when attached to a 6-mana 6/5. Additionally, the fact it can get rid of Enchantments in a pinch is nice too.
Underdark Basilisk
Average Picked At: 7.52
Total Times Picked: 265
Average Last Seen At: 6.47
Total Times Seen 2027
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: It is pretty hard for small creatures with Deathtouch not to be playable, since they bring the capability of trading with anything. This makes them relevant all game long, though never super impressive. They also tend to be good with fight and punch spells
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer
Average Picked At: 5.53
Total Times Picked: 94
Average Last Seen At: 4.84
Total Times Seen 511
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a very powerful life gain payoff for the GW deck. If you’ve ever played with Ajani’s Pridemate, you know what I’m talking about! And this trigger is even better than that one! Adding Scry can help you find more ways to gain life too, to keep the party going. This is going to be a high pick, even as a multi-colored card
Eye of Vecna
Average Picked At: 3.06
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 3.03
Total Times Seen 108
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This costs a fair bit of life, but drawing cards is always really nice in Limited, as signifcantly outcarding your opponent usually leads to victory. The fact it draws you a card right away is nice, and then – if you have the life, time, and mana – you can use it to draw more cards later. This might be the most well-positioned in the GW deck, which has the most life gain in the format, but I think it will be pretty good in any deck
Intrepid Outlander
Average Picked At: 4.04
Total Times Picked: 123
Average Last Seen At: 3.65
Total Times Seen 449
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This starts out with nice base stats. Reach tends to perform pretty well in Limited, especially in colors that don’t have that much access to Green, and obviously the Pack Tactics trigger here is quite powerful. Venturing into Dungeons is going to be the source of a ton of value in this format, and Intrepid Outlander can help you do it sometimes
Lolth, Spider Queen
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Well, as is often the case, this planeswalker is a stone cold bomb. The best Limited planeswalkers tend to need two of the following three: Card draw, a removal effect, and a way to protect themselves. Lolth comes away with two of those, and both her main abilities are just great. A 0 loyalty ability that draws you a card is going to be nice if you’re ahead, and if you’re behind you can use her -3, and because her Spider friends have Reach, it is going to be difficult for your opponent to go after Lolth very effectively. Those Spiders also have Menace, so they can be quite intimidating attackers sometimes too. The great thing is that her static ability will give her more loyalty counters -- and this means her -3 will feel more like a -2 in some cases. He ultimate emblem is definitely an odd one, but if you get there, it is the kind that will probably win you the game in the long run -- although her spiders and card draw might accomplish that before you get to use it.
Yuan-Ti Malison
Average Picked At: 2.11
Total Times Picked: 45
Average Last Seen At: 2.33
Total Times Seen 85
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Woo boy, this is a very powerful two drop, the kind that can take over a game, and that’s not something one often says about two drops! It can be unblockable for as long as you want it to be, and that part of the card alone would be a card you basically never cut. The adventure trigger is amazing, and will quickly give you a ton of value. Left unchecked, this two drop can legitimately end games. I do think it falls just short of bomb status since it is so easy to kill, but it gets about as close as any two drop can get.
Inferno of the Star Mounts
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: Like the other Dragons in this cycle, Inferno of the Star Mounts is pretty scary. In Limited, the 20 power part will basically never happen, but a 6-mana 6/6 with Flying, Haste, and Firebreathing can end the game in a hurry. The fact it can’t be countered is some nice additional value too. While it doesn’t always do something even if it gets killed, having Haste goes a long way towards making sure something will happen the turn he comes down. The efficiency here will just put a really fast clock on your opponent, and I think that’s enough for it to get into the lower range of “bomb” territory.
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